Programme for Active Learning
PAL @ NVPS is a platform for Primary 1 and Primary 2 pupils to acquire social and emotional competencies and inculcate good values. It provides a broad exposure of experiences to our pupils in the 4 domains:
- PAL Sports & Games
- PAL Outdoor Education
- PAL Performing Arts
- PAL Visual Arts
PAL @ NVPS also offers a balance between the academic and non-academic areas in the school, and facilitates holistic and well-rounded development. Emphasis is placed on hands-on experiences, having fun and enjoyment in the learning and ongoing opportunities for peer interaction and self-discovery.
PAL @ NVPS hopes to equip our students with life skills and positive dispositions for the future. The following PAL learning outcomes are as follows:
- Confidence in what they do and express themselves effectively
- Show enthusiasm and have a sense of competence
- Connect skills and knowledge, responding to experiences
- Connect and express ideas in more than one way
- Curiosity and positive attitude to learn
- Demonstrate willingness to learn and accept challenges, and ability to extend learning
- Enjoy group experiences and teamwork
- Appreciate one another
- Demonstrate cooperative skills when participating in group activities
PAL @ NVPS Module Structure